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When working with a team in a startup, Simon focused on helping the team develop the product. However, the customers weren’t there yet, and at some point the product was there, but there was no income.
Even when the product finally launched, and a customer had been found, Simon’s job was abruptly ended and he left the company. This gave Simon one of the most important lessons you can learn as a Scrum Master… Listen in to learn what that lesson was, and how Simon brings that lesson with him every day.
About Simon Flossmann
Simon helps teams effectively use Scrum and an agile mindset to deliver products and services that matter! As a Scrum Master and Professional Scrum Trainer, licensed by, he supports teams and organizations of varying sizes in a wide range of business domains, like automotive, home appliance, energy sector, federal government agency, and insurance.
You can link with Simon Flossmann on LinkedIn and connect with Simon Flossmann on Twitter.