Working with the system where our teams work is one of the critical skills for Scrum Masters, but for that to be possible we need to learn how to observe and “poke” the system to understand it better. In this episode we discuss the organizational system and how to work within the system to be able to help the teams we work with. We also refer to ORSC: Organizational Responsibility Systems Coaching, a model that Zuzi uses in her work.
About Zuzi Sochova
Zuzi help companies and individuals to be more successful. She teaches teams and their managers how to be more efficient, how to provide better quality and how to communicate and organize teams so that people have fun, they are motivated and have high commitment. Zuzi helps teams and managers find out how to handle customer relationship to help them improve customer satisfaction.
You can visit Zuzi’s website at:, and link with Zuzi Sochova on LinkedIn, or connect with Zuzi Sochova on twitter, or your favorite conferece.