This show, in French, is hosted by our very special friend of the show Tim Bourguignon
Avez-vous déjà repéré des situations qui, lorsqu’elles apparaissent, vous donnent immédiatement l’impression que quelque chose de néfaste couve? Une sorte d’anti-pattern dans vos équipes? Dans cet épisode, Alexandre Thibault vient nous montrer quelques cicatrices, et nous conter son expérience passée à coacher des équipes agiles.
About Alexandre Thibault and Tim Bourguignon
Alexandre is a Canadian computer scientist that became ScrumMaster and Agile Coach after 15 years as a programmer. For 4 years now, he helps directors and managers creating work environments where team members are engaged in their work using intrinsic motivation.
You can link with Alexandre Thibault on LinkedIn and connect with Alexandre Thibault on Twitter.
Tim is a full time geek, agile developer and BS-hunter. International speaker and avid writer, he is curious- and creative-minded, eager to search, teach and talk... and has been doing this for as long as he remembers. Tim has been working on a project called Developer's Journey ( lately, where regularly sharpens his podcasting skills talking to whoever is willing to about what it takes to become a better developer.
You can connect with Tim Bourguignon on twitter or visit Tim Bourguignon’s website to see what he is up to.