Mattia joined a team that was estimating their work. Invariably the estimates were off. Way off. So Mattia, being a self-proclaimed data geek, started looking at the data. The next project came, and the team estimated the project, while Mattia looked at the data they already had. Guess what was the result? In this episode we talk about the NoEstimates book and also how using data (not estimates) will help your team be more predictable. Luckily Mattia is also writing a book about this, The Team Guide to Metrics for Business Decisions, and here is one of Mattia’s presentation on the topic of Kanban metrics.
About Mattia Battiston
Mattia is a software developer and team leader with a great passion for learning and continuous improvement. He has been interested in everything to do with Agile and helping teams improve since the beginning of his career 10 years ago. Mattia uses Kanban, Lean and Agile to help teams strive to get better.
You can link with Mattia Battiston on LinkedIn and connect with Mattia Battiston on Twitter.
Metrics to measure the system-wide performance @BattistonMattia