There are many anti-patterns of behavior in teams, but perhaps one of the most disturbing is bullying. Bullying does not only happen in schools, it is alive and affecting many people at work as well. We, as Scrum Masters need to know how to face this kind of behavior, as it is also our responsibility to help create a safe environment for our teams. Listen to Anna describe the situation, what she learned from it, and how she handles bullying now, with more experience.
About Anna Zalucka
Ana has a solid technical background since she started her IT career as a C++ developer. She chose the architect and project manager path at first, but quickly noticed that classic management is not very effective as she encountered the same issues over and over again. In 2012 she experienced a paradigm shift: Agile software development. Ana has been developing Scrum Master skills ever since. Working as dedicated Scrum Master in two teams in a Latvian company named Eptron.
You can link with Anna Zalucka on LinkedIn. You can also find her on the Facebook Scrum Master Community.