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Sometimes teams struggle to get their backlog healthy. When that happens, it is easy to complain about the PO. That won’t fix the problem.
In this episode, we talk about how you can work with the teams to improve the quality of their stories, with our without a Product Owner in the room.
In this episode, we refer to Model Storming, a technique to help teams explore several options for implementing stories. We also refer to Lucid Chart, a collaborative online tool for teams.
We also discuss how, working on the “solution” may help clarify the acceptance criteria for the stories that are not clearly defined.
About Ben Clark
Ben's career has spanned from working assembly at Ford Motor Co, IT consulting, DSL Internet provider using wireless building-to-building antennas, systems administration and engineering, data center floor work, DevOps, cloud engineering, cloud architecture, scrum master, people-leader, and agile coach.
Ben is now an Agile Coach.
You can link with Ben Clark on LinkedIn and connect with Ben Clark on Twitter.