Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website:
Paula suggests that our retrospectives, how they run, how effective they are, can be a great indicator of our success as Scrum Masters. We discuss what to look for, and how to reflect on the retrospectives to take lessons for our work as Scrum Masters.
When teams come to the Retrospective, they have the burden of the Sprint that just ended still fresh in their mind. It’s our job, as facilitators, to help the team get out of that “pressure” and “performance” mode, into the reflection and learning mode they need in the Retrospectives. Paula suggests that starting with a drawing icebreaker is a great way to help teams focus on the topic at hand, and get ready to learn deeply about their work!
Retrospectives, planning sessions, vision workshops, we are continuously helping teams learn about how to collaborate in practice! In this Actionable Agile Tools book, Jeff Campbell shares some of the tools he’s learned over a decade of coaching Agile Teams. The pragmatic coaching book you need, right now! Buy Actionable Agile Tools on Amazon, or directly from the author, and supercharge your facilitation toolbox!
About Paula Dunne
Paula is an Agile Coach with experience in large organization Agile adoption as well as in coaching product owners.
You can link with Paula Dunne on LinkedIn.