“Don’t get frustrated, progress takes time”, that’s a line Max wants you to remember when you start looking into more detail to what it means to be successful as a Scrum Master.
Set aside a time, and follow Max’s approach to evaluating your progress, as well as the team’s progress. In this episode we discuss some of the aspects you may want to consider when evaluating your work, and success as Scrum Master.
This Retrospective format helps the team find the not-so-obvious problems that they often face when implementing stories. By identifying boring stories they are finding problems in collaboration as well as the enabling practices that are missing, and would make work more fun if they were there.
About Maximilian Fritzsche
Maximilian worked as a Scrum Master for several years and believes that the way to look at the role is to always have in mind the following quote: "Keep moving forward" - his favorite quote, and what he tries to do every day. “One step at a time!”
You can link with Maximilian Fritzsche on LinkedIn.