Seeing the system is an art that requires attention to detail, but also a technique that allows us to collect the right information. Seeing how we work as a team, and how the external factors affect our performance cannot be done without that information, and Luis shares with us how he used the Value Stream Map as a tool to help a team see the system that was affecting their performance.
The Value Stream Map also proved to be a great way to to collect information that helped the team have a truly valuable retrospective.
We also discuss the different levels of team development using the Shu-Ha-Ri model, and how teams have many skill areas that need to be developed and can be mapped with the help of the Shu-Ha-Ri model.
About Luis Gonçalves
Luis Gonçalves is a Co-Founder of Oikosofy, the Co-Author of the book “Getting Value out Agile Retrospectives”, a book which I use regularly to get inspired to organize innovative retrospectives. Luis is also an International Speaker and prolific Blogger. I don’t know where he gets the time to do all of this :)
Luis’ passion lies on the Management side of software development where he tries to apply what he has learned from the Management 3.0 books.
He is also a co-founder of a MeetUp group in Munich, Germany called High Performing Teams. A meetup he created to "Define the future of Management and Leadership".
You can link up with Luis Gonçalves on LinkedIn, and connect with Luis Gonçalves on Twitter.