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In this episode, Johannes Lindman shares a story about a small team he worked with for a few months leading up to a major release. The team was focused on delivery and even had checklists to ensure that they were well-prepared. However, they encountered a problem that they had not anticipated and had to stop and acknowledge their failure. The team was surprised because they believed they had prepared well and were not sure how they missed the issue.
The team started to point fingers and look at one person who did not talk much. They realized that they were not talking about the problems they were afraid of and needed to be super honest with each other. Johannes notes that the team trusted each other as individuals, but they did not pick up on each other's signs. In the end, the team learned the importance of communication, honesty, and trust. They realized that they needed to work on their communication skills and ensure that everyone felt comfortable speaking up when there was an issue.
In this segment, Johannes shares the impact that the book "Extreme Programming Explained" by Kent Beck had on his career. Johannes explains that the book helped him in many ways, and he found so many valuable ideas in it. He recalls the mantra "make it work, make it right, make it fast," which he believes summarizes the essence of the book's philosophy.
He credits the book with helping him to become a better developer and to embrace a growth mindset.
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About Johannes Lindman
Despite many years of experience Johannes still learns new things every day in order to stay relevant. This aligns with his curiosity on life and people.